Surgery>>>>>Ethics, Palliative Care, and Care at the End of Life
Question 3#

"Informed consent" implies all of the following EXCEPT:

A. The patient has been provided with the pertinent details of his/her diagnosis, prognosis, and the options for and risks of treatment
B. The information has been provided according to what a reasonable person would be expected to understand
C. The discussion of the options, risks, and possible hazards has been documented
D. There are witnesses to the discussion who also understand the discussion

Correct Answer is D


The "reasonable person" standard for informed consent has precedent in a 1972 court case which rejected the notion that "simple consent" for treatment was sufficient. The court decided that the facts of diagnosis, treatment options, and risks that a "reasonable person" would want to know should be included in the discussion to obtain consent for treatment. There is no requirement for witness documentation when the patient is believed to be competent to handle their own affairs.