Cardiology>>>>>Ischaemic heart disease
Question 121#

A 37-year-old man known for obesity felt typical chest pain while playing tennis accompanied by nausea, dyspnea, and sudations. The ECG shows STsegment elevation. He is immediately admitted to the catheterization laboratory (Fig. below).

What is the underlying pathology?

A. Thrombotic occlusion of the left main trunk
B. Anomalous origin of the left main trunk
C. Dissection of the left main trunk
D. Vasospasm of the left main trunk
E. None of the above

Correct Answer is A


Thrombotic occlusion of the left main trunk. The coronary angiography shows thrombotic occlusion of the left main trunk artery. This lesion has been treated with thromboaspiration and implantation of a DES.