Surgery>>>>>Patient Safety
Question 3#

The most appropriate treatment for a seroma after a soft-tissue biopsy is:

A. Multiple attempts of aspiration with application of pressure dressings
B. Immediate return to the OR for drainage
C. Single attempt at aspiration with return to the OR if it recurs
D. Observation

Correct Answer is A


Lymph node biopsies have direct and indirect complications that include bleeding, infection, lymph leakage, and seromas. Measures to prevent direct complications include proper surgical hemostasis, proper skin preparation, and a single preoperative dose of antibiotic to cover skin flora 30 to 60 minutes before incision. Bleeding at a biopsy site usually can be controlled with direct pressure. Infection at a biopsy site will appear 5 to 10 days postoperatively and may require opening of the wound to drain the infection. Seromas or lymphatic leaks resolve with aspiration of seromas and the application of pressure dressings, but may require repeated treatments or even placement of a vacuum drain.