Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Infertility, Endocrinology, and Menstrual Dysfunction
Page: 3

Question 11# Print Question

A 7-year-old girl is brought in to see you by her mother because the girl has developed breasts and a few pubic hairs. Evaluation demonstrates a pubertal response to a GnRH-stimulation test and a prominent increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) pulses during sleep. 

Which of the following is the best treatment for the girl’s condition?

A. Exogenous gonadotropins
B. Ethinyl estradiol
C. GnRH agonists
D. Clomiphene citrate
E. No treatment; reassure the mother that pubertal symptoms at the age of 7 years are normal

Question 12# Print Question

A mother brings her daughter to see you for consultation. The daughter is 17 years old and has not started her period. She is 4 ft 10 in tall. On physical examination, she has no breast buds or pubic hair. Her pelvic examination demonstrates a uterus and cervix, but the ovaries are not palpable. As part of the workup, serum FSH and LH levels are drawn and both are high.

Which of the following is the most likely reason for delayed puberty in this patient? 

A. Testicular feminization
B. McCune-Albright syndrome
C. Kallmann syndrome
D. Gonadal dysgenesis
E. Müllerian agenesis

Question 13# Print Question

While evaluating a 30-year-old woman for infertility, you diagnose a bicornuate uterus. You explain that additional testing is necessary because of the woman’s increased risk of congenital anomalies in which organ system?

A. Skeletal
B. Hematopoietic
C. Urinary
D. Central nervous
E. Tracheoesophageal

Question 14# Print Question

A 47-year-old G3P3 complains of severe menstrual cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding. Her dysmenorrhea has worsened since the birth of her last child. Pelvic examination demonstrates a tender, diffusely enlarged uterus with no adnexal tenderness. Results of endometrial biopsy are normal.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Endometriosis
B. Endometritis
C. Adenomyosis
D. Uterine sarcoma
E. Leiomyoma

Question 15# Print Question

A 28-year-old G3P0 has a history of severe menstrual cramps, prolonged, heavy periods, chronic pelvic pain, and painful intercourse. All of her pregnancies were spontaneous abortions in the first trimester. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) she just had as part of the evaluation for recurrent abortion showed a large uterine septum. You have recommended surgical repair of the uterus.

Of the patient’s symptoms, which is most likely to be corrected by resection of the uterine septum?

A. Habitual abortion
B. Dysmenorrhea
C. Menometrorrhagia
D. Dyspareunia
E. Chronic pelvic pain

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Infertility, Endocrinology, and Menstrual Dysfunction
Page: 3 of 13