Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Urology--->Imaging and Principles of Uro-Radiology
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Question 1# Print Question

Which of the following statements about diagnostic ultrasonography is INCORRECT?

A. At lower ultrasound frequencies, there is better penetration but worse resolution
B. At higher ultrasound frequencies, there is worse penetration but better resolution
C. Acoustic impedance influences the amount of energy reflected from tissue interfaces
D. Diagnostic medical ultrasound frequencies are typically between 2 and 18 KHz, which is above the audible range of normal human hearing
E. Fat appears echo-bright on ultrasound

Question 2# Print Question

During a CT for abdominal trauma which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. The arterial phase is captured 25 seconds after intravenous contrast injection
B. 150 mL of Omnipaque may be used as the contrast agent, injected at 3 mL/second
C. The venous phase is captured at 10 to 15 minutes after intravenous contrast injection
D. Images are obtained in 1 mm or 2.5 mm slices
E. Delayed phase (excretory phase) is required to grade renal trauma

Question 3# Print Question

In relation to an emergency on-table IVU, which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. It is most appropriate during a laparotomy to provide detail of renal injury
B. An intravenous bolus of iodinated contrast at 2 mL/kg body weight is used
C. It is most appropriate during laparotomy to provide detail of a functioning contralateral kidney
D. Involves a single shot KUB X-ray at 10 minutes following administration of contrast
E. It is preferable not to use fluoroscopy screening due to poor quality images

Question 4# Print Question

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. Foetal death during general anaesthetic is most likely in the second trimester of pregnancy
B. Ultrasound with Doppler can be used to investigate renal colic by assessing for the presence of ureteral jets
C. A limited IVU is considered safe in pregnancy
D. Ureteroscopy and holmium laser stone fragmentation has been used safely to treat urinary tract stones during pregnancy when treatment cannot be delayed
E. Obstruction secondary to ureteric stones during pregnancy can be managed with analgesia and a nephrostomy

Question 5# Print Question

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. T1-weighted MRI images show water to be dark
B. T2-weighted MRI images show water to be bright
C. Gadolinium uptake in tissues makes them appear brighter on T1-weighted MRI images
D. Neutrons in the nucleus of the hydrogen atom have a negative charge
E. Gadolinium should not be given if eGFR is less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 due to risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

Category: Urology--->Imaging and Principles of Uro-Radiology
Page: 1 of 3