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Category: Q&A Medicine--->Pulmonology
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Question 16# Print Question

A 59-year-old woman with a previous diagnosis of bladder cancer, diabetes, and coronary artery disease presents to the hospital with fevers, chills, and right flank pain. She is hypotensive; empiric antibiotics are started and a central line is placed for heavy fluid resuscitation. Her temperature is 39.3°C and blood pressure is 65/40 mmHg. An arterial blood gas shows a PaO2 of 80 mmHg on supplemental oxygen with a face mask set to a fraction of inspired oxygen of 50%. A chest x-ray is ordered and shows bilateral fluffy infiltrates. A pulmonary artery catheter is advanced and records a PCWP of 22 mmHg.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Anaphylaxis
B. Acute lung injury (ALI)
C. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
D. Heart failure

Question 17# Print Question

An 18-year-old girl is brought in to the hospital by her parents because of an asthma attack. She normally takes inhaled fluticasone and albuterol; however, she is not currently responding to the albuterol. On examination, she appears anxious and is moderately short of breath. There are loud bilateral wheezes on examination, with a prolonged inspiratory and expiratory phase and use of accessory muscles of respiration. Her temperature is 37.6°C, blood pressure is 118/78 mmHg, heart rate is 106 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 26 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 93% on room air. She is placed on supplemental oxygen and bronchodilators and an arterial blood gas is drawn.

Arterial Blood Gas:

  • pH    7.40
  • PaO2    60 mmHg
  • PaCO2    40 mmHg

Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

A. Increase supplemental oxygen flow rate
B. IV corticosteroids
C. Azithromycin
D. Intubation

Question 18# Print Question

A 24-year-old man presents to the hospital after coughing up blood. He developed a fever and a worsening cough over the past few days, with sputum that was originally yellow but became bloody this morning. Further history reveals that the patient has recurrent sinus infections and a chronic productive cough. He moved to the United States from Russia when he was 3 and has had regular medical care since that time. He is adopted and does not know his family history, and he does not smoke or use any illicit drugs. On examination, he is febrile and tachycardic. There are loud wheezes and rhonchi heard over the upper lobes bilaterally. Laboratory values are notable for a glucose of 145 mg/dL, and sputum culture is positive for Pseudomonas.

Which of the following findings would most likely be seen on a CT scan?

A. Fluid within the paranasal sinuses with surrounding bone and soft tissue destruction
B. Dilated bronchi with wall thickening and mucus plugging
C. Lobar consolidation with air bronchograms
D. Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy

Question 19# Print Question

An older woman with a long history of smoking presents with hypercalcemia and is eventually diagnosed with lung cancer.

Which of the following types of lung cancer is most associated with this presentation?

A. Small cell lung cancer
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Large cell carcinoma
D. Squamous cell carcinoma
E. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

Question 20# Print Question

A 42-year-old woman comes to the physician with symptoms of suprapubic discomfort, dysuria, and frequency. Her urinalysis suggests a urinary tract infection (UTI), and she is given a prescription for ciprofloxacin. Before she leaves, you notice some abnormalities in the patient’s vitals. She is afebrile with a blood pressure of 162/96 mmHg, heart rate of 86 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 19 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 90% on room air. On examination, the patient is obese with a BMI of 49 kg/m2 and does not appear short of breath. She has distant heart and lung sounds, with a few faint crackles heard at the bases. An electrolyte panel is drawn, which is significant for a bicarbonate level of 32 mEq/L. An arterial blood gas is drawn and shows a pH of 7.35, PaO2 of 65 mmHg, and PaCO2 of 60 mmHg. Upon further questioning, the patient admits to daytime fatigue and loud snoring at night.

In addition to the UTI, what other diagnosis does this patient likely have that can explain her laboratory abnormalities?

A. Flash pulmonary edema from hypertension
B. Obstructive sleep apnea
C. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
D. Pulmonary embolism

Category: Q&A Medicine--->Pulmonology
Page: 4 of 12