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Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Antepartum Care and Fetal Surveillance
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Question 21# Print Question

A healthy 23-year-old G1P0 has had an uncomplicated pregnancy to date. She is disappointed because she is 40 weeks by a first-trimester ultrasound. She feels like she has been pregnant forever, and wants to have her baby now. The patient reports good fetal movement and no contractions. She has been doing kick counts for the past several days, and reports that the baby moves at least ten times in 2 hours. On physical examination, her cervix is firm, posterior, 50% effaced, and 1-cm dilated, and the vertex is at a-1 station.

What would the next best step in management be if this patient were 41 weeks with an unfavorable cervix and oligohydramnios found on ultrasound?

A. Admit her to the hospital for cesarean delivery
B. Admit her to the hospital for cervical ripening and induction of labor
C. Write her a prescription for misoprostol to take at home orally every 4 hours until she goes into labor
D. Perform stripping of the fetal membranes and perform a BPP in 2 days
E. Administer a cervical ripening agent in your office and have the patient present to the hospital in the morning for induction with oxytocin

Question 22# Print Question

A healthy 30-year-old P1001 at 24 weeks’ gestation presents for a routine OB visit. She has no medical problems, and her pregnancy has been uncomplicated. Her last pregnancy was uncomplicated as well. However, she tells you that with her last pregnancy, her obstetrician performed an ultrasound at every visit to reassure her that “everything was alright.” She requests that you also perform an ultrasound at every visit to provide her reassurance that the pregnancy is progressing normally.

How should you counsel her regarding the safety of ultrasound during pregnancy?

A. Tell her that ultrasound is completely safe, and agree to perform one at every visit in order to provide her with reassurance
B. Tell her that ultrasound is completely safe, but you do not have time to perform one at every visit. Recommend that she transfer her care to her previous obstetrician
C. Tell her that having multiple ultrasounds has been associated with adverse fetal effects
D. Counsel her that prenatal ultrasound should only be used when clinically indicated, for the shortest amount of time, and with the lowest level of acoustic energy compatible with an accurate diagnosis in order to maximize safety
E. Tell her that ultrasound is completely safe, and recommend that she pay out-ofpocket for extra ultrasounds at a business that specializes in performing these studies in order to provide keepsake videos and photos

Question 23# Print Question

A 27-year-old G3P2002, who is 34 weeks’ gestational age, calls the on-call obstetrician on a Saturday night at 10:00 pm reporting decreased fetal movement. She says that the previous day her baby moved only once per hour. For the past 6 hours she has felt no movement. She is healthy, has had regular prenatal care, and reports no complications so far during the pregnancy.

Which of the following is the best advice for the on-call physician to give the patient?

A. Instruct the patient to go to labor and delivery for a contraction stress test
B. Reassure the patient that one fetal movement per hour is within normal limits and she does not need to worry
C. Recommend the patient be admitted to the hospital for delivery
D. Counsel the patient that the baby is probably sleeping, and that she should continue to monitor fetal kicks. If she continues to experience no fetal movement by morning, she should call you back for further instructions
E. Instruct the patient to go to labor and delivery for a NST

Question 24# Print Question

Your patient reports decreased fetal movement at term. You recommend a modified BPP test. NST in your office was reactive.

The next part of the modified BPP is which of the following?

A. Contraction stress testing
B. Amniotic fluid index evaluation
C. Ultrasound assessment of fetal movement
D. Ultrasound assessment of fetal breathing movements
E. Ultrasound assessment of fetal tone

Question 25# Print Question

You are seeing a patient in the hospital for decreased fetal movement at 36 weeks’ gestation. She is healthy and has had no prenatal complications. You order a BPP. The patient scores an 8 on the test. Two points were deducted for lack of fetal breathing movements.

How should you counsel the patient regarding the results of the BPP?

A. The results are equivocal, and she should have a repeat BPP within 24 hours
B. The results are abnormal, and she should be induced
C. The results are normal, and she can go home
D. The results are abnormal, and she should undergo emergent cesarean section
E. The results are abnormal, and she should undergo umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry

Category: Obstetrics & Gynecology--->Antepartum Care and Fetal Surveillance
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