Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

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Category: Surgery--->Surgical Infections
Page: 4

Question 16# Print Question

The most effective postexposure prophylaxis for a surgeon stuck with a needle while operating on an HIV-positive patient is:

A. None (no effective treatment is known)
B. Two- or three-drug therapy started within hours of exposure
C. Single drug therapy started within 24 hours of exposure
D. Triple drug therapy started within 24 hours of exposure

Question 17# Print Question

What is NOT an early goal in treatment of severe sepsis?

A. Mean arterial pressure >65 mm Hg
B. Central venous pressure 8 to 2 mm Hg
C. Urine output >0.5 cc/kg/h
D. Serum lactate <2 mmol/L

Question 18# Print Question

A patient in the ICU has been on ventilator support for 3 weeks. He has new onset elevated WBC count, fever, and consolidation seen on chest X-ray.

What is an appropriate next step?

A. Exchange endotracheal tube and change respiratory circuit
B. Obtain bronchoalveolar lavage
C. Start treatment with empiric penicillin G
D. Obtain chest CT

Question 19# Print Question

Patients with severe, necrotizing pancreatitis should be treated with:

A. No antibiotics unless CT -guided aspiration of the area yields positive cultures
B. Empiric cefoxitin or cefotetan
C. Empiric cefuroxime plus gentamicin
D. Empiric carbapenems or fluoroquinolones

Question 20# Print Question

A patient with a localized wound infection after surgery should be treated with:

A. Antibiotics and warm soaks to the wound
B. Antibiotics alone
C. Antibiotics and opening the wound
D. Incision and drainage alone

Category: Surgery--->Surgical Infections
Page: 4 of 5